A Caution Note

Please note that while I am sharing a piece of useful information, I am not an expert on this topic. It is important to talk to a CIC officer for clarification. Additionally, keep in mind that this information was written in March 2023 and there may have been changes since then. Double-check everything.

Imagine landing your dream job at a FAANG company and relocating to Canada with your family.

It’s an exciting time, but the process of settling in can be overwhelming - finding a place to live, arranging for your children’s schooling, and purchasing necessities. But it was worth it, you say, finally my dreams came true, I work for BIG CORP NAME PLACEHOLDER!

While there may be rumors of tech companies reducing their labor force, you assume that your job at BIG CORP NAME PLACEHOLDER is secure. Unfortunately, after a few months, you receive news that you are being let go. What should you do now?

Several of my friends have experienced this exact situation. As a temporary resident with a “closed” work permit, you cannot work for another company in Canada and must wait several months for the process of obtaining another work permit to be completed. This can be challenging when you need to pay bills.

However, there is another option: you may be able to work as a contractor for a company located outside of Canada. Check the section labeled ‘What kind of activities are not considered to be “work”?’ on Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s website. Examples, on March 2023, include:

  • long distance (by telephone or Internet) work done by a temporary resident whose employer is outside Canada and who is remunerated from outside Canada;
  • self-employment where the work to be done would have no real impact on the labour market, nor really provide an opportunity for Canadians.

It’s important to remember that this information is not a substitute for speaking with a CIC officer for clarification. Additionally, keep in mind that circumstances can change, so it’s essential to double-check everything.

Hopefully, this helps!